Despite the many gums, patches, and other cessation products available, it remains challenging for longtime smokers to kick their cigarettes to the curb. This is particularly true of smokers unfortunate enough to take up the habit as teenagers; in addition to fighting the effects of nicotine, these individuals must escape the neural pathways established over several years or even decades. Even if cessation is accomplished for a brief period, the chances of relapse are incredibly high among lifelong cigarette addicts.
Researchers are beginning to acknowledge that the traditional cold turkey approach to smoking cessation is ineffective for the vast majority of smokers. New solutions, although often controversial, are gaining traction. Such is the case for magic mushrooms, the shocking new approach to smoking cessation that, according to a recent study, accomplishes the impossible: it allows smoking addicts to quit with minimal effort!
Magic Mushrooms and Smoking: The Study
Drug users have long claimed that substances such as marijuana and, yes, magic mushrooms can switch up lifelong smoking patterns. Until recently, however, these arguments were regarded as the ramblings of stoners.
A report published in the Journal Of Psychopharmacology has changed all that, indicating that, perhaps, mushrooms can end hardcore cigarette addictions.
The landmark study took place not in a dingy backroom, as skeptics may suspect, but at the highly reputable cognitive behavioral therapy program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Fifteen participants, all lifelong smokers, were asked to supplement their cigarette cessation efforts with magic mushrooms. All had tried to quit cigarettes in the past and failed; the vast majority had never used mind-altering drugs before the study. Participants were asked to leave cigarettes cold turkey instead of taking three separate doses of the drug over several weeks.
To the surprise of researchers, the ensuing abstinence rate was far higher than initially predicted. Eighty percent of participants were still cigarette-free six months after the study ended. Compare this to a success rate of less than thirty percent for traditional nicotine therapies, and it’s easy to see why this study has the smoking cessation community so excited.
Study Implications and The Need For Future Research
Although proponents of mind-altering drug treatments point to the Johns Hopkins study as irrefutable proof of the efficacy of magic mushrooms, more research is needed before this potential treatment can go mainstream.
The study only featured fifteen participants, so it is difficult to say whether the results would be as promising if a larger group of smoking addicts tried mushrooms. Even if further research proved the efficacy of mushrooms, it would be impossible to administer this treatment in standard hospitals and clinics without significant changes to current drug laws.
However, in some countries where mushrooms are legal, this approach to smoking cessation may eventually achieve mainstream status.
Experts advise those interested in mushroom treatment to avoid partaking in yourself approaches; devastating legal consequences are likely, and what’s more, magic mushroom use has only proven effective when doses are taken very occasionally, under the supervision of medical professionals.